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About Us


มาตรฐาน ISO9001:2015 และ ISO50001:2011

Making the decision to build a brand new home can be a stressful time, and the questions can be endless. Where do we start? Who do we use? How long does it take? Design Home Center has been constructing homes since 1992. If you have been thinking about building new, contact us today. We can help you answer many questions about the process.

If you decide building new is the right step, we can help you build the home of your dreams. Our select groups of quality-minded tradesmen are here to assist you with any or all legs of your home construction process.

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If you decide building new is the right step, we can help you build the home of your dreams. Our select groups of quality-minded tradesmen are here to assist you with any or all legs of your home construction process.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste aut voluptatum facilis nesciunt placeat quaerat laborum aliquam dolore nihil, qui corrupti perferendis magni reprehenderit consequatur quis esse id. Molestiae, veniam!







Making the decision to build a brand new home can be a stressful time, and the questions can be endless. Where do we start? Who do we use? How long does it take? Design Home Center has been constructing homes since 1992. If you have been thinking about building new, contact us today. We can help you answer many questions about the process.

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